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[ Who we are | Engineering geology and geotechnics | Environmental geology | Hydrogeology |]


Studio Geologico Associato GeoAlp was set up in Trento in 1991: the associates are three geologists working from more than 15 years in different sectors of applied geology: engineering geology, environmental geology  and hydrogeology. Working experience in Italy and overseas.


Our competences are:

We guarantee field data quality and certification.


WHO we are

The associates of Studio Geologico Associato GeoAlp are specialists in different geological applications, to achieve and guarantee excellence with multidisciplinary approach to the projects.

dr. Franca Bazzanella, environmental geologist, with specific experience in Environmental Impact Assessment studies, geologic hazard evaluation and engineering geology. Overseas experience in Sudan, Turkey. Attended qualified courses in EIA and in geological hazard risk evaluation.

  dr. Gianfranco Bazzoli, hydrogeologist, with specific experience in hydrogeology and environmental geology. Overseas experience in Turkey, Chezch Republic, Srpska Republic. Skilled in groundwater modeling and water well design. From 1997 to 2019 was also consultant for the water supply company of Trento area.

 dr. Icilio Vigna, engineering geologist, with specific experience in rock mechanics and geotechnics, and hydrogeology. Overseas experience in Sudan, Turkey, Zimbabwe, Senegal, Ethiopia, Lybia, Chezch Republic. Attended qualified courses in rock mechanics and stabilisation of slopes .

The GeoAlp staff is enhanced by junior geologists.


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Engineering geology and geotechnics

Studio Geologico Associato GeoAlp is consultant for infrastructural projects (bridges, roads, railways, tunnels) and civil work planning (buildings, plants, water and gas pipes). Our activities range from preliminary or detailed geologic surveys and mapping, to geo-mechanical characterization of discontinuities,  to borehole survey design and sampling, to geological advice and assistance during work.

Besides geological advice and assistance for engineering planning and design, we carry out expertise and investigations for:

-    landslides and slope stability assessment;

-    rockfall risk evaluation;

-    on-site wastewater systems;

-    territorial planning.  

From 1991, more than 600 studies for private-owners projects completed.

We use dedicated and up-to-date software for rock mechanics and slope stability evaluation (rockfall analysis and trajectories estimation, slope stability with limit equilibrium methods).

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Environmental geology and land planning                                                                   


Our commitment in this sector, thanks to our attention and care in sampling and evaluations, in the last years was awarded with a growing number of studies and partnerships.

We carried out, as environmental experts, a number of EIA studies for: urbanisation planning, mines, quarries, landfills, water wells.

Geological risk analysis for land planning, with use of GIS techniques.

We are advisors for the reclamation of polluted sites (geological and hydrogeological characterization of the site) and for environmental certification of industrial activities (ISO 9001 e ISO 14001, EMAS).

On demand we also prepare Digital Elevation Models of Terrain (locations in Italy, Europe, continental Asia, Middle East).


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We have a great experience in:

-    water wells design and well drilling assistance;

-    hydrogeological studies at catchement and basin scale;

-    wellhead and springs protection area definition;

-    geochemical characterization of aquifers (main and trace elements, stable or radiogenic isotope);

-    groundwater conceptual model definition of aquifers both in porous and fractured material;

We can manage:

-     hydrogeological field surveys with in-situ chemical-physical characterization of groundwater (pH, conductivity, temperature, etc.) and       sampling for chemical and isotopic analysis.

-    well and spring monitoring;

-    pumping test operation and evaluation;

-    hydrogeological balance and evaluation of aquifer overexploitation;

-    study, research and certification of mineral waters;

-    2D and 3D groundwater modeling.

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